Are Your Online Students Really the Ones Registered for the Course?

That's the title of a briefing paper from WCET - "Are Your Online Students Really the Ones Registered for the Course?"

It looks at the requirements your institution may have in place (or needs to consider?) for online courses. I used to call them "distance learning" courses, but so many online courses are filled with students who aren't very distant - like those located in a dorm across campus - that eLearning or digital learning probably fits better. My own online course this fall has 15 students registered so far and only 3 are from outside New Jersey. Six are students living on campus.

So how do you know that the person who took the online test or posted the comments in the discussion is actually the registered student?

The WCET paper references the Higher Education Reauthorization Bill which calls on institutions to ensure that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit. Of course - but how do we do that?

A pdf of the paper is available


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