Blackboard Next Generation

The course management software Blackboard is currently at release 8 of its Academic Suite software. Many schools, including PCCC and NJIT, are moving forward in versions carefully. In some cases, like NJIT who is still on version WebCT 4.x, they don't want to deal with the upgrades to servers and courses, and the retraining of faculty. PCCC is using Blackboard's hosted service this year and using WebCT CE6, but both schools know that the time to ultimately decide what to do about their enterprise CMS is getting short.

Release 8 of the Academic Suite is getting closer to the merged WebCT + Blackboard product. (Nearby Seton Hall University is using 8 and you can look at some of their information on 8 online.) That product is being called Project Next Generation (NG).

Project NG is being touted as "a combination of the best of Blackboard and WebCT features and functionality." I have to say that the company has put a lot of preview information out there, including starting another flavor of its blog for NG, and has posted extensive video presentations online that walk through the product with a lot of talk about the simple user experience, flexibility and openness.


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