Not (just) for your iPhone
The new mobile site for Serendipity35 is The content remains the same, but there will be less graphics to clog up your Edge or 3G pipeline to the internet. Pages will load faster and the formatting will still be readable on device's smaller screens. Also, if you happen to have an iPhone and want to see Serendipity35 in a regulation browser (like Safari) without being automatically tossed into the WebApp version of Serendipity35, just might be the format for you.
The development of a micro-site version of Serendipity35 comes directly from the work I've done with making a portable version of Moodle.Though it remains to be seen what kinds of classes, instructions, FAQs and micro-information fit into a portable device, the platform is just about ready to begin delivering content even though very few people (if anyone) know what that content should or will be.
I don't envision anyone studying graduate courses on their Smartphone, but if you need to change a tire, reset your dashboard clock, or (safely) jump your car's battery, there may be a portable Moodle class in your future and it may be delivered by the same engine that runs the new
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