Podcasting Legalities

If you are involved in podcasting, I suggest you look at the Podcasting Legal Guide at the Creative Commons.

This Guide has been prepared to provide general information about some of the more common legal questions that get asked in relation to podcasting.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation produced a Legal Guide for Bloggers and there is some crossover in the relevancy of some issues.

If you are overwhelmed by the content, I suggest you start with the section on Fair Use Under Copyright Law And Its Application To Podcasts. Fair Use is such an overused and abused term with educators and institutions who often use the term with little understanding of what it means. It has a folk mythology of covering almost anything one does in a classroom. It has also, unfortunately, moved right over to online applications for many educators. "It's OK to use that video in my online course. I always show the whole movie to my students in the face to face section. Fair use."


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