Get a First Life
One of the topics I have been collecting a lot of information on the past few months is Second Life. SL is a an online virtual world with a virtual but real economy. Your real money turns into virtual money to buy virtual stuff like clothing, property and services which are sold in SL by real participants using their virtual characters and virtual stores. Confused?
I have gone in and wanderd about in SL but haven't really accomplished anything, spent any money or found anything of educational value. Others have found value. A search will turn up colleges and courses using virtual this virtual world.
It's like when I first got the game MYST back in 1993. I wandered around the beautiful and intricate island and buildings, but I didn't find many of the "clues" and got bored after a few days. But many others did not. They stuck it out and played for hours and hours and eventually found... something.
I really should explore SL as an educator, but right now I'm way too busy in THIS life. Which is why I was interested in Get A First Life. It's a parody site. Well, more like a parody page (though it does have a few working links to buy t-shirts and find out about the makers).
Virtual reality versus Reality. No contest.
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