Blog Birthdays and Anniversaries


I'm not sure if we should call today a birthday party or an anniversary, but it is exactly six years (that's at least 30 years in blog years) since my first post here back in 2006. That was a post called "Why Serendipity35?" which wasn't much of a post because all I was doing was testing out our new installation of the open source serendipity software. There wasn't really any plan to start blogging seriously.

That post explains why it was Serendipity35 - a name that has proven to be a good one - but Tim Kellers (the tech behind the curtain) and I needed some sample posts for a workshop we were doing back then on three big new buzzing tools in higher ed and business - blogs, wikis and podcasts. Those were all pretty new things on campuses back then.

It only took a few weeks before the blog started to find its place as I started writing about educational technology (back then I was the Manager of Instructional Technology at NJIT) and people are still finding us and reading.

Last December, we averaged 4623 hits a day and had 143,317 hits for the month. For 2011, it was just under 1.5 million hits. I give credit to the "long tail" effect where older posts still pull in readers (and logically have the biggest total visitor hits). That rather slight first post even has 24,671 hits right now.

Thanks for dropping by and reading. We haven't made any money doing this (Truth? We did get enough off some ads for Tim and I to get 2 McGoo burgers and a few pints last year at McGovern's) but I have had some fun, and it does keep me paying attention to tech and learning.


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