Too Many Abbreviations

Just a brief observation...
I read a piece online and what struck me the most was how I was being hit by a string of new abbreviations. The writer was comparing PLCs, SLCs and CFGs. Huh?

I have spent the past 6 years dealing with course management systems (CMS) which were sometimes called learning management systems (LMS), although we have been doing a pilot project with Moodle which is an LMS (or maybe a CMS) but the Moodlers call it a VLE (virtual learning community).

Just to further muddle me (BTW, muddle has nothing to do with Moodle), I moved into a new position on campus this month in web services. So now, a CMS is a content management system for controlling a large website.

So many different abbreviations...

Want to know what the three things are that were being compared in the original article I read? They are Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Critical Friends Groups (CFGs) and Smaller Learning Communities (SLCs).


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