Blogs Have Legs

When I first started this blog in February 2006, I was excited that a few dozen people were reading a post after just 48 hours. As the weeks went on and I really decided what the foci was to be, I was a bit disappointed that the numbers didn't suddenly surge, though I had no reason to believe they should surge.

It took a month or more before I began looking at the stats and noticed that the numbers on the early posts were moving up faster as time went by. The blog posts had legs. People were finding posts weeks/months after I wrote them through the wizardry of search engines, tags and links from other bloggers.

Looking back at an entry I did back in month one on Web 2.0, I see that it now has had 25,388 hits. Even the first entry I did as a test that explained the 35 part of Serendipity35 now has almost 14,000 hits.

Now, we don't make any money on the site, so hits don't have that kind of value, but it is nice to know that what you write is being read.

I find it interesting to sift through the stats (thank you Tim & Webalizer) to find:

  • that last month we were averaging 6631 hits per day (at times, more than 1000 an hour)
  • how many people have come to the site from the mention we got in PC Magazine
  • or on a foreign blog about ?? in a language I can't read (an explanantory comment below from any of you would be welcome)
  • that the top search terms that brought people to Serendipity35 are things like cloning, olpc, kindergarten, minority report, cartoon family, father knows best, one day university, pedagogy, andragogy and classroom
  • that the top countries outside the U.S. that we have readers in are Germany, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Australia, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom


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