Social Strategy

More and more companies are creating a social media strategy. Although the jury is still out on whether Twitter, as one example, will be profitable itself, it's even less clear whether or not the use of social media like Twitter will make other companies more profitable.

It is clear that Facebook earned about $300 million in 2008, more in 2009 and probably even more this year. That has the attention of other companies.

Now, it looks like Google is getting more serious about social networking and has created a Social Web team. It's not that Google hasn't had any social web presence before. Back in 2006, I wrote a few times about Orkut, its social network. (Still big in Brazil, but still a dud elsewhere.) They also have their OpenSocial and Friend Connect projects, but Facebook totally beats those too. Google likes to buy companies and they tried (unsuccessfully) to acquire Yelp which is a business reviews site that has large and active community.

I suppose that if the business world is embracing social media strategies, it will onnly be a decade or so before schools do the same thing. Educators, you still have time to learn and be the early adopters in your school.


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