Are LOOCs the anti-MOOCs?

There has been a lot of talk the past year about massive open online courses - MOOCs - and I suspect that some big universities are probably considering running them, even if they don't quite know why they are doing it.

So, there had to be some backlash.

One well known experimenter, David Wiley at Brigham Young University, began including small groups of non-enrolled learners in an online course at Utah State University when he taught there in 2007. I'm sure others have done this too.

But, now I am reading that the University of Maine at Presque Isle is attempting an anti-MOOC approach: a free online offering that is more like the "high-touch" experience of a conventional online course which Michael Sonntag, the provost, calls a “LOOC” - a little open online course.

Read more: "MOOCs' Little Brother"


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