Uses of Blogs in Education

Scott Leslie has updated his uses of blogs in education in an interesting way. He has put ii online using a "drag and drop exercise creator" tool. It's a tool developed at Leeds for online delivery and has a set of labelled & draggable elements and a target table/matrix.

Play with it at

(If you like the tool, you can download it to use at


I was looking at this blog done by Scott Leslie called EdTechPost. He is an "educational technology researcher and emerging technology analyst and Manager of the BC campus Learning Resources Centre in Canada."

He posted on his blog an interesting matrix of some uses of blogs in education some years back. Take a look at it at:

He was looking at teachers and students as users. You could really expand the range of uses if you add all the other informal players in the blog experience - other bloggers, readers, librarians etc. and other related applications like webquests.

He's one of a growing number of educators (count me in) who feel that the Net is becoming more of a reader AND writer, consumer AND creator space. Maybe that's more of the Web 2.0 movement. Maybe a lot of this movement is being powered by blogging and the way it allows very easy "web design" and a site that is writing focused.

I'd be interested in your comments on other USES of blogs in education at any grade level. Time to update the matrix...

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