Six Sounds in Search of an Author

I found out about this through an EdTech group on Facebook. Chris Shamburg is running a contest for NJAET for students to do an audio remix. You must be an NJAET member to submit (membership is free) but I'm posting it because his links and the idea are easily transferable to your classroom.

Students can get creative, learn audio editing, and have some fun with 21st century skills. It works for novice or experts.

You can download all six sounds as a zipped file at or as one single mp3 file at .  It's a challenge and opportunity to get creative within specific boundaries and rules.

If you can operate a word processing program and a tape recorder, you have 95% of the skills you will need to do audio editing. There's a tutorial at designed specifically for this project. It should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Along with the technical skills, this project is an accessible and creative way to teach literacy and important 21st century skills.

The contest rules would probably work well in your class.

- You must use all of the sounds.
- You may use a sound more than once.
- You cannot use any other sound effects.
- You can manipulate the six sounds—i.e. trim them, add effects such as changing the pitch or speed.
- Your story must be a minute or less.
- It can be true life, drama, comedy, detective, romance, adventure, action, fantasy, horror, sci-fi or any genre
- No profanity or use of personal information
- The story can have characters and a narrator, just characters, or just a narrator.
- File must be submitted as an mp3.

Here are two examples:
Camping Trip at
Drug-Free Detectives at

Chris has a rubric and more information at

This project addresses New Jersey standards - NJCCCS 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 (Language Arts Literacy) 8.1; (Technology); and 9.1 (21st Century Life and Careers).


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