Endangered Serendipity35

(Photo by Breck Kent)
I have not been much of a blogger on this site the past few weeks. It's not that I haven't been blogging though. Some of you who look at my blog aggregator know that I am posting on several other blogs that are collected there (using Tumblr).
The blog that has had my attention lately is a new one that I launched in late March. It is called "Endangered New Jersey." It comes from a website project that I did in 1999 with some middle school students (including one of my sons). The archived site is still online, but I decided to pick up the site's mission and continue it with a blog. For me, a blog can be a much more dynamic site that I will update more frequently than a "traditional" website.
Endangered New Jersey is, at its heart, about endangered species and environmental issues in New Jersey. I have been a volunteer in the state Endangered and Nongame Species Program for several decades. I haven't been as active "in the field" the past few years, but have spent time giving talks to groups and in the educational aspects of the program. A blog seemed a good way to continue that and broaden the audience.
Much of what I will write about there goes far beyond NJ - whether it is about Earth Day, or Your Garden As Wildlife Habitat or about a species that is endangered in NJ and in other places that you may have never heard of - like the shortnose sturgeon.
The topics on ENJ have really caught my interest - more than technology news right now. Since the blog is newly launched, I know that you need to post regularly to get any attention (from search engines, readers and other bloggers), so I have been posting there daily. That can't continue forever, but for now it has pulled me away from Serendipity35 - but don't worry - Serendipity35 is not endangered. Tim has blogged a bit more of late and I have a half dozen drafts in my S35 queue that I will try to get to in the next week.
Meanwhile, give a look at Endangered NJ...
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