Teach Basketball With Textbooks

Milton Chen, executive director of The George Lucas Educational Foundation, writes in a piece called "A Modest Curriculum Proposal", that he would like to see schools teach basketball with textbooks.

Why? Because he knows that parents would get upset.

"Science and mathematics education should involve students getting out of the classroom and collecting data in fields and streams, at traffic intersections, and in their larger communities. Having students investigate seemingly simple but very meaningful questions such as "Where does the water in your house come from? Where does it go? Can you measure its quality?" would transform science and math education.

So, I propose a new national campaign to teach basketball with textbooks. If the ensuing parental marches on school board meetings, the outrage, and the debates about what a crazy idea this is also lead to thoughtful consideration about active hands-on, minds-on learning in academic subjects, this brief campaign will have been very worthwhile."


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