Free EdTech magazines!

CDW-G (subsidiary of CDW Corporation) is a vendor for government and education markets offers two magazines for K12 and higher ed educators using technology. Subscriptions for the paper editions are free and you can read it online as text or as full-featured online magazines.

EdTech K12
magazine - here's a sample article: "Boot Camp For Teachers" - Schools are increasingly realizing that professional development is the key to integrating technology into class lessons... and this one from the EdTech Higher Ed - "IT Practice & Pedagogy: E-Learning on Campus" - A new learning management system at the University of Maryland bolsters knowledge sharing and community building. magazine view and a text view...

Tech Learning
is a free magazine that also focuses on the K12 educator, but I find a lot of good material for higher ed. The current cover story is "A Day in the Life of Web 2.0" by David Warlick, and it's a good overview of classroom wikis to text messaging, the multimedia tools collectively known as Web 2.0 which stand to change the rules of the game.

That site also offers several other magazines including School CIO.

Are there free education and/or technology subscription magazines that you would recommend reading online or on paper? Leave a comment below...




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