Wikimania 2006

I see that Wikimania 2006, the second annual international Wikimedia conference, will be held August 4–6 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the Harvard Law School campus.

I'm not going, but would love to hear from anyone who attends (especially if you go to the "hacking" session!) about the discussion on the use of Wikipedia by educators (those for and against using it) and the use of the Mediawiki software by educators.

We have been using Mediawiki at NJIT for several wiki applications. The one that I use for wiki sessions is at If you new to using wikis in education or using open source software for a wiki, check it out because we have posted a good amount of information there about those topics.

The event is billed as both a scientific conference and
a community event since they want to bring together members of the various Wikimedia projects and the general public to meet and share ideas about free and open source software, free knowledge initiatives, and wiki projects worldwide.

More about Wikimania


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