Sakai Conference Presentations and Moodle Conf Info

The first Sakai Conference for 2006 was in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 30 to June 2, and in a calendar mixing plan, it was a part of the 2nd Community Source Week, so attendees could attend Sakai and OSP sessions as well as the uPortal conference all in the same week. (Convenient, yet possibly conf overload - how many vendor booths can anyone endure?)

You can look at the conference sessions presentations and download many handouts and presentations there that would be of interest to Sakai users and some are interesting for anyone working with edtech or CMS.

MoodleMoot 06 - the third annual UK conference for users, administrators and developers of Moodle will be held this year at The Open University in Milton Keynes on July 25 & 26 and it's already full with a waiting list. What does this tell you about the popularity of Moodle - especially in Europe?

Presentation topics from last year's MoodleMoot conf are available online. But I don't see any actual presentations - odd because usually open source folks are so willing to share...


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