Google Page Creator

Google Pages

Google has a new Page Creator service. It lets you "design" and publish a web page. It's free, has no Google ads (yet) and will take you about 15 minutes to create.

Right now, Google is limiting pages to some of us that have Gmail accounts. (Word is that it will be opened up to others later, though I suspect you will still need to create a Google (mail) account. I applied for a page and was emailed an approval. I put up a little landing page for an existing website at

Some people seem to be upset with Google's offering. They don't like the coding behind the page and that your pages' address is based on your Gmail e-mail account name (ugh, spam possibilities)

OK, this is not for creating major websites, but for folks with no design skills, students who need a page quickly, anyone who needs free web hosting, and all those who would otherwise have NO web page, it seems a good idea.

What is Google planning? We don't know. Is it possibly just a good thing?


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