Collaboration or Plagiarism? is self-described as "an online community for students to collaborate and receive feedback on their academic work." It encourages students to post essays, notes, lab reports, presentations etc. in order to get feedback from readers.

Sounds collaborative, read/write and Web 2.0, right?

So, how jaded am I that my first thought was that it was just another plagiarism opportunity?

According to their "about us" page, the site's owner is Aseem Badshah, "currently a freshman at the University of Washington studying business administration. He previously founded"

And their mission? "Our Mission is to increase students’ productivity and depth of learning by providing them with a means to learn, share, and collaborate with fellow students in a virtual environment. We would like to see Scriptovia become the number one online education portal, the website that every student comes to before they start their schoolwork for the night."

Part of me thinks I should admire this 18 year for his business sense, but that old teacher part fears the worst - even he he says that the site will take a "strong stance against plagiarism."

Any reactions or experiences with the site from readers?


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