Web 1.0 Killer App Still Rules

chart via ShareThis

I used to hear, in the days of Web 1.0, that email was the killer application. The past few years I have heard that email is dead. Our students prefer text messages, IM, Twitter and other social networking tools.

We added ShareThis to Serendipity35 this year so that readers could share a post or the blog with others using Facebook, delicious, Digg, Twitter or even that old time email. (It's that link & image at the bottom of this and every post.)

Well, ShareThis recently posted on their own blog the chart that I show here about the ways  people are sharing content using their service.

I don't know that their stats would match those for Serendipity35 (that information isn't available to us), but it's interesting to see that good ol' email is still getting the biggest slice of the pie.

65% of the sharing is happening with 2.0 tools (with Facebook getting the most action - 10% of the pie), but the results are fragmented with no other tool/service dominating.

How about you? Are you still most likely to share online content with others via email or some other application? Is this something that varies more based on user age?


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