What is the meaning of life? Ask Watson and TED

What is the meaning of life? Who would you think to ask such a question? How about a computer? A super computer.

IBM’s cognitive computer (AI) Watson (who you might know from its appearances and wins on TV's Jeopardy game show) wants to ponder these kinds of deep questions.

TED Talks have featuring people who often explore these topics and so IBM has entered about 2,000 TED Talks sorted by content.

As it the secret to happiness and it goes to video bits such as one where a psychologist tells you, “The secret of happiness — here it is, finally to be revealed: First, accrue wealth, power, and prestige. Then lose it.”

Uh huh.

Sounds crude but the IBM Watson Group is excited about developing a “discovery engine” that allows the computer to move beyond looking for entered keywords to signals from the speaker, including silences, applause and laughter.

It is all still in alpha testing with beta tests by the end of summer.

You can test it out though - go to watson.ted.com


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