Predictions for Ebooks and Digital Publishing

The Ebook and digital publishing business is still changing. Last year, Apple made some moves and Amazon and other retailers gained control over ebook pricing at three major publishers. In higher education, Ebooks are pretty well accepted, although the majority of professors and students still use traditional books.
In the article Ten Bold Predictions for Ebooks and Digital Publishing in 2013 the predictions are indeed bold. Some are positive for publishers; some are positive for students. Which means that there are negatives on both sides too.
For example, it predicts "The $0 Kindle" or the emergence of a free e-reader, specifically a free Kindle. Why would Amazon do such a thing? Partially, it means more customers for its content, but it also means keeping the e-ink e-reader device manufacturers in business.
On the other side, they predict that Ebook market-share growth will actually slow down.
And by the end of 2013, they predict that 65% of U.S. children will have access to an e-reading device.
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