The Open University Releases eBook on Responsive Open Learning Environments

The Open University (OU) has produced an interactive eBook about Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE). This eBook provides an introduction to Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) and Self Regulated Learning (SRL). A selection of widgets that have been developed by the ROLE project are also demonstrated.

Readers have an opportunity to try these widgets through a set of interactive learning activities included in the eBook. The content of the eBook has been adapted from the ROLE online courses available in OpenLearn at: and

The eBook is available for iOS devices (iPads and iPhones) and can be downloaded from It will also be available soon on the Apple iBook store, published by the OU.
Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE) is a European collaborative project with 16 internationally renowned research groups from 6 EU countries and China. ROLE technology is centred around the concept of Self-regulated learning that creates responsible and thinking learners that are able to plan their learning process, search for the resources independently, learn and then reflect on their learning process and progress.  Given this task, ROLE´s main objective is to support teachers in developing the open personal learning environments for their students where they can train each of the phases mentioned.

ROLE is currently closing its fourth project year, where our main endeavour is to test and showcase the already operating learning environment and widgets. You are invited to follow us on facebook, twitter, linkedin or youtube.


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