Learning Management Systems Want In on MOOCs

Though very large, MOOCs are still online courses and need a platform to manage content and students. Some of the first hubs offering these MOOCs used their own learning management systems or platforms. Now, some of the established commercial systems are looking to move into this new (and potentially lucrative) course structure.

It was announced recently that Instructure launched their Canvas Network software for course hosting.

Universities have been partnering with Coursera which has grown rapidly - maybe too rapidly. Universities join them every week, but colleges like their independence and a company like Instructure may be able to capitalize on that desire if they want to avoid a Coursera committment.

The big LMS player, Blackboard, is also getting some universities to use their CourseSites service for delivering open courses.

Whatever LMS is used, with the thousands of students in MOOCs, the system needs to be able to handle all those registrations, logins, submissions and assessment results.

MORE http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/course-management-companies-challenge-mooc-providers/40734


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