A directory to Web 2.0 Companies

Go2Web20 (as in Web 2.0) is a site that is attempting to create a directory of Web 2.0 companies.
This is not a directory of technologies, so you won't find things like bookmarking or podcasting. What you will find are companies. You can search by name or browse by a tag cloud of topics. You'll get a summary of the company, their link and (usually) a link to some blogging about them.

I tried the tag for eLearning which turned up 5 links - from elgg (which I know & use), to eLearning for Kids, VisualThesaurus and Nuvvo, which are all new to me.

Do a little surfing and you'll find a combination of free and pay services. The advantage of using a site like this is the filtering aspect so that you're not getting the hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of hits a Google search will produce.

The site seems to be all built in Flash. Either the site is on a slow server or they are getting lots of hits, because the connection today was quite slow.


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