Popular Cameras: Another View

If you want to know what the most popular digital camera is currently, there are plenty of magazine reviews and lists online. Another interesting and pretty democratic Web 2.0 way to view the ratings is to use a service at the popular photo sharing site Flickr.

They offer a camera site where you can see what the most popular cameras are amongst Flickr photo sharers. How do they know? Because your smart camera is recording that information (along with things like the date, shutter speed, aperture etc.) each time you press the shutter button.

As of today, the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT is leading the camera race on Flickr and their Powershot SD400 is the most popular point and shoot model.

You can even see what people are photographing with a particular model. Looks like my fellow Nikon D80 users are taking a lot of artsy photos - and they uploaded almost 7000 of them yesterday!


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