But Keep Your Enemies Closer

I'm doing some vacation time this week so I'm sorting through my bloated "drafts" and bookmarks for blog posts that haven't been written. This is one of those and perhaps Brother Tim will take the other days online here.

Our web services department has been working with the MStoner for consulting on our NJIT site redesign which we have begun to "soft launch" (that means it will be done in phases rather than in one fell swoop). They have given us a number of client sites and samples to look at these past months.

Plus, we have been looking at recognized sites (like CASE award winners), so my bookmarks folder is huge.

There's an Italian saying (popularized by movies and Jersey Sopranos dialog - "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Well, I don't consider other colleges to be enemies, but you certainly need to be checking out your competitors for students.

Here are a few college sites in my category of "recruitment" that I found interesting for their features.








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