Serendipity35: The Blog That Never Sleeps

It's Friday. It's the 4th of July and schools and offices are closed. Actually, most of summer in educationland is slow anyway. Many campuses, mine included, are closed on Fridays anyway, so I have wondered who might be reading the blog then. Should I even post for Fridays? But when I look at our numbers, the visitors on a Friday or even on a weekend don't drop significantly because search engines are driving traffic to older posts 24/7.

Take a look at this graph of hits on Serendipity35 last month. Rock solid. I wish my investments looked this boringly consistent.

I had told the reclusive Brother Tim Kellers that I would leave weekends open for him to post since he doesn't seem to get time during the week. On the few times that he has done a Saturday or Sunday, the site visits were robust. His "Et Tu, Moodle" post about the Latin course he put into Moodle for a New Jersey high school is closing in on 10,000 reads.

The Internet really is the city that never sleeps. It's the library that never closes. Look at this chart of usage by the hours and you'd get the impression that our readers never sleep either. You forget for a minute that our readers are the world. No ego when I say that. Don't believe me? Take a look at last month's stats on countries

Hallo deutsche Besucher!

I suppose I don't need to worry about what I post on a Friday or the weekend. We know you are out there. I can hear you reading.



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