Wikieducator and Open Content

I'm involved right now in training for advocating for and using open textbooks and came across this resource in our course.

Wikieducator is one of many types of sites that house information related to the open educational resource movement and open textbooks. Its goals are to be considered an "evolving community" for collaboration on:
- planning of education projects linked with the development of free content;
- development of free content on Wikieducator for e-learning;
- work on building open education resources (OERs) on how to create OERs.
- networking on funding proposals developed as free content." (

Locating and Adopting OER Content is an "open course" site written by Valerie Taylor that should be useful for learning more about open content. Valerie is an Advocate/Trainer for open textbooks as well as an instructor for DeAnza College.


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