The Most Important People in Educational Technology

Tech&Learning is celebrating a thirtieth anniversary and is compiling a list of the most important people in the creation and an advancement of the use of technology in education. They are taking their first 30 honorees from those whose inventions, declarations, and theories "set the table" for our current EdTech. They are looking to recognize achievements from 1980 to the present. They plan to add to their list weekly. If you think they have missed someone, you can leave a suggestion in a comment or take their reader poll.

The first four people listed were not all names I would immediately associate with educational technology. I'm a Bloom fan, but don't automatically connect his work with using technology (though I have written about the "digital Bloom"). So, their list creation makes me broaden my view of influences on educational technology. Here are their first four people:

Albert Bandura (modeling in human motivation)
Craig R. Barrett (the advancement of technology and learning and STEM)
Benjamin S. Bloom (Bloom's taxonomy is a 6 step stairway to learning to classify educational objectives and the theory of mastery learning)
Robert Mills Gagné (“conditions of learning” and the “Nine Events of Instruction”)


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