ExpertNet and the Open Government Initiative

The White House is looking for experts. As part of its Open Government Initiative, the White House has just launched the ExpertNet wiki. With this wiki, the American public can help discover new and better ways to open up communication between the government and the people. You can read more about the ExpertNet wiki and the Open Government Initiative on the White House blog.

They are using Wikispaces for the wiki

The United States General Services Administration (GSA) and the White House Open Government Initiative are soliciting your feedback on a concept for next generation citizen consultation, namely a government-wide software tool and process to elicit expert public participation.

ExpertNet (the working title) could:
1. Enable government officials to circulate notice of opportunities to participate in public consultations to members of the public with expertise on a topic.2. Provide those volunteer experts with a mechanism to provide useful, relevant, and manageable feedback back to government officials.

The proposed concept is intended to be complementary to two of the ways the Federal government currently obtains expertise to inform decision-making, namely by convening Federal Advisory Committees and announcing public comment opportunities in the Federal Register.

Now, they are looking for people to provide:
1. Any refinements or suggestions you have to improve the process as described;
2. Any issues (legal, policy, technical) raised by the features described;
3. Any tools that you know of that perform the process described in that step;
4. Any organizations (public or private) that have a similar platform in place.

To be clear, there is currently no funding identified for building this platform. When possible, respondents should be sure that feedback addresses opportunities including multi-sector partnerships for implementing solutions at little to no cost.


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