More on College RSS Feeds and Podcasts is a site that has news of the podcasting world and a good section on podcasting gear.

Apple's iTunes, which gave podcasting its biggest boost, is not the only place to find podcasts (or "netcasts", the term Leo Laporte is promoting in case Apple really gets crazy about suing about "pod" usage). There are plenty of categories educational and otherwise in this podcast directory, including Arts & Humanities, Audio Books, BBC Podcasts, Entertainment, UK & other international podcasts - you might start with the Higher Education section.

Petersons is best known for products for college search and selection, financial aid, online services like EssayEdge(for admission essays & personal statements), ResumeEdge and web-based products, such as CollegesWantYou, GradSchoolsWantYou, and online practice tests for the GRE, GMAT, SAT and others.

They also offer a free directory of education RSS feeds from the higher education world.

You'll need a news aggregator such as NewsGator or Bloglines to take advantage of them.

You can also add a feed from your school to the directory. They are reviewed by an editor at Thomson Peterson's before being published and they supply a feed validator check to make sure your RSS is up to standards.


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