Open Software For Your Conference

There are more options all the time for free and open source tools to design websites and online applications.

OpenConferenceWare is a pretty sophisticated free package for processing event session proposals and displaying event schedules if you are an event planner organizing a conference or similar event.

The system was built by Igal Koshevoy and Reid Beels. It is appropriately being used as the scheduling system for the Open Source Bridge conference in Portland, Oregon that starts today which is described as:

"...a new conference for developers working with open source technologies and for people interested in learning the open source way. It’s not a typical technical conference. Here’s what makes it different: It’s entirely volunteer-run, by developers, for developers. Session tracks are technology agnostic, based instead around shared community experiences and focused on similarities between projects, not differences.The geekery doesn’t end when the sessions do. There will also be a 24-hour hacker lounge for code sprints, bug bashes, session deep dives, bouncing ideas, starting new projects or just mingling and taking in the vibe."


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