1 to 1 Computing

If you are examining the idea of 1 to 1 computing, the place to look seems to be the Maine Learning Technology Initiative. MLTI began with former Governor Angus King & a desire to prepare Maine's students for a rapidly changing technological world. A conversation he had with Seymour Papert convinced King that the way to transform students and teachers with technology would be when they had computers on a 1 to 1 basis and that any other ratio would not produce the transformation desired.

A one-time state surplus enabled Maine to equip all of its middle school students and teachers with a personal learning device. In 2001, they decided to to deploy learning technology to all of Maine's students and teachers in 7th and 8th grade and then to look at continuing the program to other grade levels.

After studying vendor RFPs, they selected Apple Computer, Inc. as the award winner.

More at MaineLearns.org and http://www.state.me.us/mlte/ and Apple One to One Learning.

Angus King will be a keynote speaker at the 21st Century Learning at the Crossroads at Kean University (NJ) on December 1 & 2.


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