Microsoft Lets Students Steal Office

Nothing illegal going on here. Microsoft calls it The Ultimate Steal. It allows college students to get Office Ultimate for $59.95  (91% off E.R.P.).

Eligibility Info: You must have a valid e-mail address at an educational institution ending with the domain suffix .EDU (ie, OR have a valid email address at one of the educational institutions listed on the site. You must be a student at a U.S. educational institution and must be actively enrolled in at least 0.5 course credit and be able to provide proof of enrollment upon request.

The site is part of their Student Experience area. There are other student discounts there too. It's not a bad resource to point students at for other freebies. There are resume templates, cover letters, interview tips and followup letter etc.

Microsoft doesn't always get things right. I was listening to a podcast that was talking about some retro Windows t-shirts that Microsoft was making available - but they weren't selling them online (huh?) or telling you online what stores would carry them (duh!). But they do offer some good things online for free or discount.

If you're not a student, I hope you have at least checked out the many Office templates that are offered for free download.


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