MERLOT stands for the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. It is a consortium of learning objects including online learning materials, assignments organized in discipline communities. Objects are peer-reviewed and available for you to use for free.

There is a video introduction at

MERLOT's vision is to be a premiere online community where faculty, staff, and students from around the world share their learning materials and pedagogy. Peer review is what makes it more than just a link aggregator and its very intuitive organization and search capabilities make it user-friendly.

You can view things without registering, but registration is required to comment, review or submit objects.

One way to browse the library is to look through a discipline community such as teaching & technology or physics.

Want to look at a sample? Try a MERLOT "Classic" DNA from the Beginning - an animated tutorial on DNA, genes and

For a more in depth introduction, view this narrated slide presentation, "Sharing Learning Objects: Serving MERLOT to Higher Education"


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