Annotate for Word Documents

I haven't bothered to upgrade to Microsoft Office 2007 yet. The college has it, but nothing has motivated me other than the annoyance of having to use the converter to open up a Word .docx file once and awhile.

I probably don't use a lot of the tools in Word. I know about more of them than I use. When I work on this blog, I usually write in Notepad to avoid the garbage code that carries over from a copy/paste from Word.

So, I'm not a real candidate for add-ons to Word, but this one was passed on to me by a fellow writing instructor.

Annotate for Microsoft Word makes it easier to give detailed feedback to students in their writing. It makes your comments very visible to students, but it doesn't interrupt the flow and there are many more commenting options than the built-in comments tool in Word (which I always found annoying). It has a library of oft-used stock comments (comma splices, transitions etc.).If you can use Word, you can use this tool. 

You can get a 30 day trial of it for Word 2007. They are supposed to release a version for Word 2003 too.

Of course, I am also watching for the open source tool that  does some of these things too.


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