Webcast On Going Google At School

More schools (K-12 and higher ed) are going to Google and others for their email and some other services. Now, Brown University has gone Google for its students, staff, and faculty.

You can learn more about why they made this decision, by registering for an upcoming EDUCAUSE Live! Webcast. It is part of their Spotlight on Cloud Computing Series.

It will feature Michael Pickett, the Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Brown in a free, hour-long web seminar titled “Google Apps at Brown”  It will cover how Brown deployed Google Apps to 6,000 students and why they’ve decided to extend the service to include faculty and staff.

Register for Google Apps for Students and Staff at Brown University
DATE: Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. EDT / 10:00 a.m. PDT



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