Delizzy and Delicious

So here's a plug for a little beta tool called del.izzy - a free service that lets you search through your bookmarks.

Why can't you just do that with delicious? (BTW, they did finally add the plain without-the-dots version of the URL, so you can just go to So what does del.izzy (annoying referential dot, but you can drop it when you type it in) actually offer you?

Delicious search only goes through tags, titles and descriptions, but not the the page content. del.izzy lets you search through all of it. Delizzy is still in beta and it shows in the simple design, but it serves a purpose until delicious gets it together.

The first version of delicious launched in late 2003, then grew with a 2005 injection of about $2 million in funding (some from, but after Yahoo! acquired Delicious in December 2005, it remained annoyingly the same. They finally launched an updated version recently, but it's still missing features. Sites like delizzy should keep them on its toes.


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