Interacting with the computer intuitively

Did you see the Spielberg film Minority Report? It's the one where Tom Cruise is playing with images, icons and files in the air.

It's not so Hollywood-only if you look at what's being done with touch-screen interfaces that make a mouse and keyboard seem very awkward.

You need to look at Jeff Han, a research scientist at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. This is his first public demo of his intuitive, interface-free, computer screen, which he manipulates with his fingertips.

I'll stop here because you really need to watch the video. This is from a presentation at a recent Technology Entertainment Design (TED) conference. Make sure you let the video run its course - it starts gently but builds to the oh, wow stuff. Watch the Han video!

A tip of the hat to my friend Robert Stribley whose blog linked me to this video.

* Also, many of the other links at the TED site blog are also worth a look - a much more comfortable Al Gore, and a lecturing and piano-playing David Pogue talking about designing well, for example.


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