iLounge and Flock

 Two online products to try.

iLounge (and I am getting a little tired of lower case "i" titled products for/from Apple) is an independent provider of information about Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod digital media players, accessories, and related software. They have a number of iPod books available for free download in their library. Their new Free iPod Book (200 pages) is updated to version 2.2.

Have you tried the new browser Flock Beta 1? Does the world need another browser? Perhaps.

I do like some of its features: built-in blog editor that lets you drag and drop
text bits or photos from any web site (and yes, I suppose it does further empower the cut/paste generation from being creative), built-in RSS reader and some social computing widgets for sharing photos & bookmarks.

I'd actually be satisfied if their presence encouraged my preferred browser people at Firefox & the developers who are finalizing Microsoft IE 7 to add the Flock features.


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