Straightening Out The Curve of Forgetting

There are some other articles from that WIRED issue: "Get Smarter: 12 Hacks That Will Amp Up Your Brainpower" that you might want to try to help you straighten out that curve of forgetting.

There's a video there with the U.S. Memory Champion showing a technique for memorizing. It's an interesting video, and I can see how it would help you with learning a list. I tried what he demonstrates and it worked perfectly for me. Still, I'm not sure how it would help me with learning a language, concepts in economics or how to get that video to embed correctly in this blog post.   (Try this video link - there's an ad first)

I'd be curious if some of you try the technique it in your classrooms and what reactions you get from students.

(If you can't get the video, try the "Special Features" section on


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