Ken, how do you read all those blogs?

A friend asked me the other day how many blogs I read regularly. I wasn't sure, so I checked my Bloglines account. As of today, it's 37.

How do I read so many? (Don't ask me why I read so many.) I use a service that aggregates all of them in one place. That's what Bloglines does for me. I log in and it pulls the RSS feeds from blogs that I have subscribed to and gives me the new entries that I haven't read. I can have it show a summary of the entries or the complete entry.

Don't know what blogs to subscribe to? You can browse their directories in different categories and see what is popular. All it takes to add a site is a click or if you know the site's RSS feed address.

For example, you can subscribe to this blog by pasting in the address or you can click a button if it's on the site like this one:

Subscribe to this blog with Bloglines

You'll notice that we have a whole set of RSS feeds on this site in the right side column on the home page. when you see one of these images
you don't need to click them.You want to right click and "copy the link location." That's the code you need to subscribe. Bloglines is not the only game in town.

Another popular service is Feedburner. Clicking one of their icons will take to that blog's Feedburner page (blog's have to register with Feedburner). So, if you click on our Feedburner image it goes to If you have a Feedburner account, this would allow you to subscribe, otherwise it will show you the latest entries reformatted by Feedburner. Go ahead and click to see - no obligation!

Do I "read" every entry in all 37 blogs? Not really. I scan most the way I scan headlines in the newspaper. I read what interests me. There's no way I have the time to even click on 37 links to see those sites and even if I did I would have to rely on my memory to know which entries I hadn't already read. I gave up on my memory for that sort of thing a few years ago.

You can mark blogs and other web sites that you subscribe to as public or private and then make your public items really public so that others can see them in your "blogroll."


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