
from is a rich media multi-view presentation system with full motion video and high quality audio fully synchronized with visual content. It can be used synchronously as a live broadcast or archived for on-demand use later.

It is a technology being tested at NJIT.

Some features, as described by the vendor:
  • Shows any type of visual information from PCs/Macs, smart boards, document cameras, diagnostic equipment, visualizers and more.
  • Crisp, clear visuals—including zoom—for even the most complex imagery
  • Provides instant navigation to any point in the presentation using a visual index
  • Incorporates audience interaction and feedback with polls and Q&A panels
  • Provides full control of playback including variable speeds

An interesting approach to samples on their site - they post video produced using the product, but these are not "promos" but rather actual client materials. For example, a piece from FSU about using media in Blackboard or an Alan November session on Moodle - view sample videos using Mediasite at (try the search on a topic of interest)


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