Using Google Maps

There are more uses for Google Maps appearing all the time. I have seen some of these mashups that use Google Maps and attach additional data feeds.

I'm sure creative teachers could find uses for many of these in unexpected ways. There are unusual ones like this one that shows "terrorism and suspicious events" around the world. You might question the site's selection of events - and that might be the reason to use the site.

The Google Literature trips are an easier educator match. The ones listed for high school and the higher education list could certainly overlap. Some samples: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Grapes of Wrath, Macbeth, and The Kite Runner. There's also trips for grades 6-8 and K-5.

Check out the Google Maps Mania blog that can lead you to many sites that utilize the maps to visualize data.

I did take a look at one just because it has the serendipity connection but I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to do. I also looked at the site to spot celebrities in New York City, so now I know that I missed Uma Thurman last Sunday on West 9th.

You may also want to take a live look at some places. There are hundreds of public webcams. Try EarthCams for Kids, or specific sites (like Times Square) or some of the many universitiy webcams.


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