Classroom 2.0 Live: A Free Meetup

Well, I can't attend the first Classroom 2.0 LIVE Meet-up on February 1 & 2 in San Francisco, California, but I really like the spirit and idea behind this event which is all about Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies in education.

I've blogged before about the main Classroom 2.0 site which I joined and have spent some time on.

They have been seeking vendor sponsorship so that it's all free. Wikispaces was the first and is a primary sponsor for San Francisco, and is arranging the workshop location. Ning, delicious, Vyew, Atlassian and We Are Teachers are also on board, but they are still looking for other sponsors to try to cover meals and all the other stuff of conferences.

It reminds me of the barcamp events and other meetups that have been forming the past year. I'm all for free events, though I have no problem with attendees paying for hotel room and meals (people get piggy with free food anyway). The really interesting aspects of these events is having attendees help plan the sessions, the idea that they should actually be practical workshops, trying to always have one track that's friendly for the beginner and keeping them short.

San Francisco isn't the only site. It's the one currently buzzing, but they are looking for other meetup locations. Hey, someone in New Jersey is interested!


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