YouTube Course

Now we know that YouTube has really arrived. Pitzer College in California is offering a course about YouTube.

I know your first reaction may be that here's another gut course, but you may want to dig a bit deeper before you dismiss the idea.

Alexandra Juhasz is a media studies professor who created the course called "Learning from YouTube." Her students control most of the class content and YouTube viewers from anywhere can comment. Lessons are posted and students are encouraged to post their own videos.

Juhasz wants students to consider issues such as "corporate-sponsored democratic media expression" and Internet culture.

Dr. Juhasz teaches video production and film and video theory. She produced the feature film, The Watermelon Woman, as well as nearly fifteen educational documentaries on feminist issues like teenage sexuality, AIDS, and sex education.Her first book, AIDS TV: Identity, Community and Alternative Video is about the contributions of low-end video production to political organizing and individual and community growth.

You can check out the group site for her course at and Professor Juhasz's YouTube profile and videos at


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