Classic Reader

There are a number of public domain literary sites on the Net. Project Gutenberg is probably the best known and oldest digital library.

Classic Reader is a site that offers free classic books, plays, and short stories by authors such as Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare and others. You can read, search and also something that may make it ttractive tou you as a teacher or student, add your own annotations to any of the pieces.

A selection of author biographies and portraits are also made available. All functions of this site are free to use although some functions require free registration. The collection currently contains 3331 works of literature by 331 authors with new works always being added.

I'm okay reading "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne online or my much loved Mr. Melville with "Bartleby the Scrivener" but I could never read a novel (particularly one like Moby Dick) on the screen.

Still, a creative teacher could certainly design some good comparative readings using the site - maybe one of those Moby Dick chapters paired with one from Conrad's Lord Jim or even a webquest that has them time traveling through American literature.


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