Blackboard’s Online Learning Trend Report Is A Bummer

Jon Kolko writes on the Blackboard Blog (May 27, 2016)  about a report on their research. There are a few really negative conclusions about online learning that go broader than any one LMS. Here are a few samples:

When students take a class online, they make a tacit agreement to a poorer experience which undermines their educational self worth.

Students take more pride in the skills they develop to cope with an online class than what they learn from it.

Online classes neglect the aspects of college that create a lasting perception of value.

I would recommend that you download the report itself.

NOTE: The post now includes an additional edit/addition/disclaimer:  "We don’t use our research to predict – we aren’t trying to look at a small sample in order to understand how our results generalize to a larger population. Instead, Design Research is about trying to build empathy with people in order to provoke new design ideas. As a result, we don’t seek to avoid bias, and instead select our participants based on a research profile."



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