Coursera Attempting to Improve MOOC Learning With F2F Learning Hubs

The N.Y. Public Library is planning face-to-face sessions for MOOC students in a partnership with MOOC provider Coursera.

Coursera is trying to build an infrastructure for in-person learning around its free online courses. Research has suggested that MOOC students who receive offline help earn higher scores on their assessments.

Coursera is not paying the library to provide this service and the library will fund it as part of its own public-service mission.

Learning Hubs is Coursera's global initiative in community building + blended learning. But this online company is doing it through establishing physical networks of space, facilitators and students worldwide.

Coursera, as part of its mission to connect the world to a great education, is launching the Coursera Learning Hubs Initiative, which establishes physical spaces where students can access internet to take classes online. The Hub framework aims to improve the accessibility of and support for online education. Students who may not have access to the Internet at home - common in places where affordable education is most needed - can come to learning hubs to take Coursera courses and can participate in interactive learning sessions with facilitators in their local area.

Coursera has been helping organizations establish similar “learning hubs” but they have been almost entirely outside the United States. 


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